Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Reasoning

As part of the process of organizing my life I am considering organizing my blog as well. I am a rampant book-starter and a periodic book-finisher. But started, or finished - I gain much from reading. This semester's completion of my courses required for my degree is leaving me feeling much at a loss as to where to process all this literary information. I will not have my professors as a rapt audience, sounding board, or opportunity for critique. I will not have my paper-writing process to hash through information and find the possible holes in my own arguments. And for all this I am sad.

I am determined that this aspect of my education will continue. There are books in piles about my room, stacked like cairns pointing toward great knowledge and truth. (Most importantly stacked out of the walkways.) Pile #4.5, sitting in front of fish tank #2.5 consists of The Fountainhead, Jesus Among the Other Gods, The Bro's K, Soul Survivor, The Evidential Power of Beauty, 1 Dead in the Attic, Essays of Montaigne, Cold Mountain, The Portable Library of Conrad, and the Once and Future King. Sitting off to the side to keep from blocking the poor beta altogether are Sherlock Holmes: The Short Stories, Walk on Water, The Universe Next Door, and Irresistible Revolution. The books that I get at the library are those that I am most likely to complete -- I will have to return them, so the limited time provides the necessary pressure to persist to the end.

With more than adequate resources of books started, stopped, set down, piled upon, and lost in the glorious abundance of literature or even the fraction of it that is stacked about my room I will endeavor to write about reading. In all honesty I feel I have not practiced this type of writing (if it is a type) as much as I have chemistry lab results or observational notes of classroom experience. But as there is much to gain and learn in process, the process and its inherent bumblings and stumblings will hopefully be deemed worthwhile.

(I will change out that fish tank water - he does have a bubbler and therefore some oxygen in there)

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